Marketing Project Management

At Twelve2 Marketing we understand that successful marketing isn't just about creativity and ideas – it's also about precise execution and seamless coordination. Our expertise lies in developing exceptional marketing project management solutions that turn your visions into reality, on time and within budget.

Bringing Order to Creativity

Marketing projects often involve multiple moving parts, from brainstorming sessions to content creation and campaign launches. Our project management approach brings structure to this creative chaos, ensuring that every task is organized and executed with precision.

Streamlining Workflows

We understand the intricacies of marketing workflows. Our proven methodologies ensure that tasks flow smoothly, approvals happen promptly, and bottlenecks are minimized, leading to faster project completion and quicker time-to-market.

Effective Resource Allocation

Brand owners time and energy are valuable resources. Our project management strategies optimise resource allocation, ensuring that the right people are assigned to the right tasks, maximising productivity and minimising losses.

Clear Communication

A breakdown in communication can ruin even the best laid-out plans. We facilitate transparent communication channels, ensuring that everyone involved – from stakeholders to team members stays informed and aligned throughout the project lifecycle.

Risk Mitigation

Every project has its risks. We identify potential roadblocks early and implement strategies to mitigate them, ensuring that each project stay on track and on schedule.


Marketing landscapes are ever-changing. Our agile project management approach allows us to pivot and adapt to unforeseen challenges and opportunities, ensuring that all marketing initiatives remain relevant and effective.

Tailored Solutions

Our project management strategies are tailored to meet each Brand's unique goals, whether it's launching a new product, executing a campaign, or remodelling the brand.

Robust Tools

Our arsenal includes cutting-edge project management tools that providing brand owners with real-time visibility into project progress, timelines, and resource allocation. 

Collaborative Environment

We create a collaborative ecosystem where the brand owner's team, stakeholders, and our experts work seamlessly together, sharing insights and feedback in a way that enhances the project's outcome.

Continuous Improvement

Post-project evaluation is critical for growth. We analyze each project's outcomes and processes, identifying areas for improvement that enhance future project performance.