Marketing Intelligence System 

The MIS is a system built with 7 inter-locking “building blocks” that make up the most crucial part of the Equity Engine, and facilitates the formation of a relevant Value Proposition (VP), suitable to the markets serviced by the Brand. 

The Performance of the MIS is supported by a successfully implemented MI.

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The Endless Benefits of Strategic Marketing

Driving conversions and creating a sustainable Enterprise is a direct result of a well constructed MIS. At Twelve2 Marketing, we believe that strategic marketing is the key to unlocking a brand's full potential and driving unparalleled success. Brands managed by an efficient MIS also are able to realise the following:

Expanding Reach and Visibility

This cluster of strategic Marketing Systems enable Brands to amplify its message to market, positioning the brand in front of a wider audience. Reach new markets, attract fresh customers, and increase your brand's visibility in ways you never thought could be possible.

Driving Growth and Revenue

Marketing is an investment with high returns. Strategic marketing campaigns generate leads, convert prospects into loyal customers, and boost revenue, propelling the Enterprise to greater success.

Building Lasting Relationships

At the heart of successful brands are strong relationships. Marketing Systems facilitate genuine connections between the Brand and its audience. Engage, interact, and create a community around your brand, fostering loyalty and turning customers into brand advocates.

Showcasing Unique Value

Every brand has something unique to offer. Marketing Systems showcase the distinct value proposition, setting the Brand apart from its competitors. Let your brand's personality shine through and capture the hearts of your target audience.

Adapting to Change

The business landscape is constantly evolving. Marketing Systems assists Brands to remain agile by analyzing trends, monitoring shifts, and adapting its strategies accordingly. Be proactive, not reactive, and stay ahead of the curve.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Marketing Systems provides brand owners with actionable insights and data-driven analytics. Make informed decisions, fine-tune your strategies, and watch your ROI soar.

Experience the Power of Marketing

Step into a world where innovation meets strategy, creativity meets data, and potential meets reality. At Twelve2 Marketing, we're committed to unleashing the full potential of  your brand's growth and success.

Marketing Infrastructure (MI)

In conjunction with the MIS development, each Brand owner have to build the supporting infrastructure needed to support the MIS.

The MI consist mostly of:

  • High-performance Servers

  • Data Management Systems: Collection, Warehousing & Management

  • Data Science: AI, BI, ML & Blockchain Technology

  • IT Systems

  • CRM Platforms

  • Internal & External Integration  & Automation Systems

  • Paygate Platforms

  • API-driven Dashboards & Analytics

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Marketing Services

Twelve2 Marketing offers the following services

  • Marketing System Build

  • Brand Equity Development

  • Brand Valuation & Tracking

  • Marketing Strategy & Planning

  • Marketing Project Management

  • Marketing Sound-boarding

  • Marketing Function Outsourcing

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BrandTracker Values, Measures, Monitors and track the development journey of the BED of Brands through its initial assessment, valuation and dashboard. Management Teams can utilise their BrandTracker dashboard to ensure that they stay on course and meet the KPI's identified for the BED of the Brand. It's powerful analytics also provide the Management Team with the critical information needed for accurate decision making and critical-thinking processes. 

Its subscription-based, multi-tiered offering allows Management Teams to select a package according to their business need and size. It offers both pushed and real-time analytics and allows each Management Team to start their Journey with a free Brand Audit, providing them with their BED Score. The BED Score is an indicator of how much undeveloped equity there is available in the Brand. 

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